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Los miembros de Live Oak Beefmaster Breeders Association (LOBBA) le dan la bienvenida a nuestro sitio web y esperamos que lo visite con frecuencia. La LOBBA es una de las asociaciones satélites más antiguas dentro de Beefmaster Breeders United y fue iniciada por algunos criadores pioneros en el condado de Live Oak, Texas, quienes se dieron cuenta de que esta raza encajaba perfectamente con los arbustos y cactus del sur de Texas. Hoy nuestra membresía incluye criadores de todo el sur de Texas y más allá. Encontrará algunas de las líneas genéticas probadas y populares de ganado en los rebaños de nuestros miembros. Los toros producidos y comercializados por nuestros miembros son reconocidos en toda la raza y la industria como algunos de los mejores y la venta de toros Live Oak que se celebra anualmente en enero establece el estándar para la raza.

Nuevamente, nos complace tenerlo aquí en nuestro sitio web y esperamos que todos piensen en Live Oak Beefmasters cuando piensen en Beefmaster Cattle.

Important Dates & Events . . . 

(2/1/24 updated)

Live Oak Beefmaster Breeders Association

*3/15/23---Regrade and finalize sale order of all cattle for the Spring Showdown Sale.


*3/16/24---LOBBA Spring Showdown Sale (3rd Saturday in March) also featuring the 

                Select Group of Elite Heifers from the development program


*4/17/24---Scan day for spring bulls


*4/18/24---Open Scan day for the LOBBA membership, make sure heifer for fall sale are 



*5/16/24 (tentative)---Open Scan day at Repro Solutions, El Campo (500 days from 1/1/23)


*5/20/24 to 5/27/24 ---(tentative) Deliver Spring Born Heifers for Fall September Sale

*5/29/24---(tentative) Grade 2024/25 bulls

*5/30 to 6/4/2024---(tentative) Bull consignors to decide which bulls to stay in program

*9/28/24 --- Fall Perfect Pair Sale (4th Saturday in September)




Tom Lasater, fundador de la raza BEEFMASTER, fue uno de esos raros individuos que supo desde la niñez qué profesión iba a ejercer. Le gustaba decir que la ganadería es tanto su pasatiempo como su vocación. La filosofía de la cría de ganado de Tom Lasater abarca todos los aspectos del negocio, desde la ecología del campo hasta el merchandising. Quizás su filosofía pueda etiquetarse como "radicalismo creativo". Un buen gerente debe estar enamorado de los resultados. Un programa de cría sólido, orientado a resultados, debe basarse en los Cinco Mandamientos de la Ganadería.

  • El primer mandamiento es seleccionar solo para los SEIS ESENCIALES; Disposición, fertilidad, peso, conformación, producción de leche y resistencia.

  • El segundo mandamiento es luchar por la eficiencia reproductiva.

  • El tercer mandamiento es probar el desempeño en un ambiente constante.

  • El cuarto mandamiento es emplear la selección directa, lo que significa seleccionar por los rasgos específicos buscados y no por una combinación que el criador espera producirá los resultados deseados.

  • El quinto mandamiento es utilizar los poderes adaptativos de la naturaleza. La política de Tom Lasater era pedir lo imposible a la naturaleza.



Seleccionar para la disposición es simple. En el momento del destete, cualquier diferencia en los individuos es evidente en el ganado criado en condiciones idénticas. La mayor parte de los animales con malas disposiciones se pueden detectar en ese momento y sacrificarlos. A partir de entonces, la disposición se evalúa continuamente con cualquier animal notablemente excitable o nervioso que se elimina periódicamente del rebaño.


La importancia de la fertilidad en el negocio del ganado es obvio, y sin embargo rancheros de hoy han logrado producir ganado que son fértiles. La selección para la eficiencia reproductiva consiste en una temporada de reproducción corta; machos y hembras se crían entre los 12 meses y medio y los 14 meses y medio y un ternero de cada vaca cada año, independientemente. La eficiencia reproductiva también implica cumplir con lo anterior mientras se mantiene entre el 80 y el 90% de cada cosecha de vaquillas para intensificar el sacrificio del hato de vacas.


La gran mayoría del ganado se comercializa sobre una base pesada. La importancia del peso se reconoce universalmente. En la selección de los toros por peso están involucrados dos factores: (1) peso al destete y (2) ganancia post-destete. El peso al destete refleja la capacidad de ordeño de la madre; la ganancia post-destete indica la propia capacidad del individuo.


Al seleccionar la conformación, lo que realmente se está considerando es la conformación de la carcasa. Como dijo Tom Lasater, "la conformación ideal está ejemplificada por ese animal cuyo cadáver producirá más libras de carne tierna y magra por libra de peso vivo". Afortunadamente, la selección de esta característica no es difícil porque, dada la oportunidad, la naturaleza correlaciona muchos de los rasgos deseables en el ganado de carne, como la longitud corporal, el peso al destete, la fertilidad, el rendimiento del corral de engorde y la capacidad de corte.


"La resistencia se ejemplifica en aquellas personas que llevan a cabo su incansable tarea de producción año tras año con una asistencia mínima". Todo entorno prueba al ganado de alguna manera, ya sea por frío, calor, sequía, demasiada lluvia, parásitos, terreno accidentado, depredadores, alimento de baja calidad o cualquier otro de los muchos problemas que afectan al ganadero. El ganado debe criarse en el entorno en el que se utilizará. Dado ese requisito previo, deberían poder adaptarse a las desventajas particulares de su ubicación geográfica. Si no lo hacen, obviamente no podrán reproducirse a los 13 meses o destetar un ternero pesado y de larga edad de nueve meses o más cada año.


La selección para la producción de leche es una simple cuestión de evaluar la capacidad de ordeño de la vaca reflejada en el peso al destete de su ternero. En el caso de los toros, los toros de la manada se seleccionan de toros con pesos superiores al destete, perpetuando así la sangre de las hembras de ordeño intenso. Las vaquillas se sacrifican por peso al destete; También se eliminan las vacas que destetan terneros livianos.


Ganadores del premio LOBBA Legend

Artículos de leyenda cortesía de Beefmaster Cowman

(Haga clic en la imagen para abrir el artículo)

Collin Osbourn
Tony Psencik
Kito Saenz
Larkin Jr.
Live Oak Legend 2017_button.jpg
Legend 2015-L2 Ranch_button.jpg

Ganadores del premio Legend. . .

2022 Legend Award - Tony & Karen Psencik

2021 - Elton Lieke

2020 - Donnie Kasper

2019 - Bob y Bonnie Siddons

2018 - EC Larkin

2017 - Chapman

2016 - Familia Carrillo

2015 - Fred y Judy Long

2014 - Ray Walker

2013 - Dr. Billy Welkener

2012 - JM "Joe" Martínez

2011 - Hans Wittenburg

2010 - Bill Carr

2009 - John Newburn

2008 - Melvin Scherer Jr.

2007 - Ed Wicker

2006 - Seymour Wormser

2005 - Anthony Mihalski

2004 - Don Kasper

2003 - Don Moore

2002 - Pat Shannon

2001 - Humberto Garza

2000 - Jack Dunn

1999 - Ascensión “Chon” Martínez

1998 - Joe Hendricks

1997 - Leo Joeris

1996 - Joe Yarbro

1995 - Enrique G. García

1994 - Jim Ed Rhodes

1993 - JB Kolb

1992 - Walker White



Próximas ventas. . .

9 de enero de 2021

Venta de toros Beefmaster 2021

Recinto ferial de Live Oak Counrty en Three Rivers, TX


( Click on cover to open )

Future Sales . . . 

 9/28/24  -  LOBBA Fall Perfect 

                    Pairs Sale  

Collin Osbourn.jpg

Premio Leyenda 2021 - Elton Lieke

Member of the Year -        Mackie & Norma Jean Bounds 


2021 Nuevo Miembro del Año -

Jennifer Halepeska Hahn


Criador del año 2021 - Rancho Santa Ana. Dr. Alvaro y Ana Restrepo

Miembro del año 2021 - Elton Lieke


Performance Breeder of the Year - L2 Ranch - Judy Long

Past LOBBA Yearly Awards

Legend Award 2022 -       Tony & Karen Psencik

Performance Breeder of the Year - Golden Meadows


Environmental Award -      Tim & Debbie Chapman


2021 Member of the Year -  Elton Lieke


2021 New Member of the Year -   Jennifer Halepeska Hahn

Member of the Year -           Melvin & Marilyn Scherer

Breeder of the Year -  Flying B Ranches


2021 Breeder of the Year -   Santa Ana Ranch

New Member of the Year - Pro Ventures


2021 Director Emeritus -  Billy Welkner


LOBBA 2023/ 2024 Heifer Development & Marketing Program.

Revised 10/22/23

Heifer Development and Marketing Program


Mission Statement:

Provide a means of developing heifers on an equal/comparative basis to all LOBBA members.  By establishing contemporary groups that are treated the same, present a uniform, quality set of heifers to meet customer demand.  The heifers will then be marketed at the annual LOBBA Spring Sale in March or the Fall Sale the last Saturday of September.


Program Description:

  1. Heifers will be developed and marketed in two separate programs, Fall born heifers for the Spring Sale and Spring born heifers for the Fall Sale.  Date of birth for Fall heifers is from September 1 to December 31.  Spring heifers date of birth is from January 1 to April 30.

  2. The program will be conducted at Landair, Inc. in Beeville, Texas.

  3. Arrival date of heifers and program schedule will be established and published separately.  Arrival dates will be based on available scan dates and an approximate development period of 5 months from start to Sale date.

  4. After approximately 3 months into the program, the heifers will be evaluated and graded at Landair to initiate the process for the respective Fall or Spring Sale.  Average daily gain and weight per day of age will be recorded at that time.  The heifers will be graded by an independent panel of judges. The grading will also include a record of any defects or injuries.

  5. The process for selecting the heifers for the sale will then be initiated.  Each consignor will have the opportunity to decide if their heifer(s) will be nominated for the sale.  It is the consignor’s responsibility to indicate which of their heifers will be in the sale.  Consignors are limited to a maximum of 3 heifers for the respective sale.  The selection of the final sale group at Landair will then allow for clipping, pictures/video, cataloging, etc. 

  6. Heifers that do not qualify for the Elite Heifer Group or are not nominated or selected by the consignor for the sale can be consigned to the regular part of the sale, or other sale, or other use as determined by the consignor.

  7. Since the heifers continue to change considerably throughout the program, the final grading and sale order will be established at the sale site the day before the sale by a panel of judges.  Grading will be based on the phenotype grading/evaluation only.

  8. The heifers will be cataloged in age order.

  9. The heifers will be promoted and advertised for the great sale that it will be.

  10. The heifers will be marketed in the respective LOBBA Fall or Spring Sale.



  1. Each consignor must be a LOBBA member for the development year and the sale year.

  2. A program fee of $25.00 per heifer will be charged by LOBBA.

  3. A contract/agreement must be signed with Landair, Inc.

  4. Arrival of heifers at Landair must be completed by the date established.  Heifers qualifying for the sale must remain in the program thru the sale date.  If a heifer’s arrival date to Landair is outside of the required delivery dates, it is the consignor’s responsibility to ensure the heifer is moved into the program.  This will help ensure data collection including scan data is obtained.

  5. Delivery of heifers or removal of heifers must be coordinated thru Landair. Inc.

  6. All contacts with Landair, Inc must be coordinated thru Austin Brown III (361-597-0373).

  7. Heifers must be backgrounded before arrival at Landair. A suggested health vaccination and protocol is available from Landair.  The protocol includes a modified live (ML) viral vaccine, 7 or 8 way blackleg, deworming, pasturella vaccine, and weaned minimum 45 days.

  8. Heifers must meet the age requirements for each program.

  9. Heifers must be scanned per BBU age requirements.  Scan days are tentatively planned for each November and April to accommodate the heifer program.

  10. Upon arrival, heifers must have a legible holding brand and ID (brand or tattoo).

  11. Upon arrival, heifers must be identified with date of birth.  They must also be accompanied by their BBU certificate “C” number or “P” number.

  12. The “C” number must be provided prior to the grading at Landair approximately 3 months after arrival. If the “C” number is not provided, the heifer will not be allowed to participate with the special elite group for the sale.

  13. To facilitate data setup and entry, provide complete data on delivery to Landair.  Delivery at Landair must be accompanied by the attached form “Required Delivery Information”.

  14. Consignors are responsible directly to Landair for feed costs, health requirements, chute charges, etc.

  15. Consignors are responsible directly to the veterinarian for health papers, etc.  Consignors are also responsible for the scan technician.  These costs will be billed directly to the consignors.

  16. Consignors are responsible for completing and submitting all sale applications and nomination fees to the sales manager.

  17. Consignors are responsible directly to LOBBA for membership fees, program fee, etc.

  18. The normal protocol for the Spring sale will not be changed with bulls, pairs, 3n1’s, breds, and opens.  The elite set of heifers from the Development and Marketing Program will be high-lighted, promoted, and advertised as the special group that it will be.  Heifers from the program that do not make the elite group can still be placed in the normal sale, or other sale, or other use at the owner’s discretion.

  19. The normal protocol for the Fall sale featuring “The Perfect Pair Futurity” will not be changed with bulls, pairs, 3n1’s, breds and open heifers.  The elite heifers from the Development and Marketing Program will be high-lighted, promoted and advertised but will follow the primary sale goal of the Perfect Pairs.  Heifers from the program that do not make the elite group can still be placed in the normal sale, or other sale, or other use at the owner’s discretion.

  20.  Compliance with these requirements is mandatory.  Any requirement not met could lead to the consignor’s heifer(s) being removed or not eligible for the program and respective sale.

  21. It is recommended that consignments have DNA on file.  New requirements at BBU will be implemented in the future (July 2024) for all AI calves.  This is probably going to be dictated for all in the future.  Please take notice.

LOBBA 2023/ 2024 Bull Development & Marketing Program.

Revised 10/22/23

Bull Development and Marketing Program


Mission Statement:

Provide a means of developing bulls on an equal/comparative basis to all LOBBA members.  By establishing contemporary groups that are treated the same, present a uniform, quality set of bulls to meet customer demand.  The bulls will then be marketed at the annual LOBBA Bull Sale held the second Saturday of January.


Program Description:

  1. Bulls will be developed in two groups, Fall bulls and Spring bulls.  Date of birth for Fall bulls is from September 1 to December 31.  Spring bulls date of birth is from January 1 to April 30.

  2. The program will be conducted at Landair, Inc. in Beeville, Texas.

  3. Arrival date of bulls will be established each year.  Arrival dates will be based on providing a scan date in January for fall bulls that have not been previously scanned and start of the gain test around February 1.

  4. A scan date for Spring Bulls will be provided in the April time frame.

  5. The gain test will last from 100 – 120 days.  At that point in time in late May, the bulls will be evaluated and graded.  Average daily gain and weight per day of age will be recorded.  The bulls will be graded and ranked in order by an independent panel of judges to provide information at that point in time to each consignor.  The information will also include a record of any defects or injuries.

  6. At that time each consignor will have the opportunity to decide if their bull will remain in the program.  It is known that the bulls can and will change a lot until the final grading in the late October/early November time frame.

  7. The Bulls will continue to be developed through the summer and fall.

  8. A second phenotype grading and evaluation of the bulls will be made by an independent panel of judges in late October/early November to initiate the process for the January sale. 

  9. Grade order will be established based on a combination of the second phenotype grading/evaluation and performance ranking.  The performance ranking will be based on the bull’s performance during the development period and scan data.

  10. Bulls will be identified as a “Top 20” bull or grade order Lot 21 and below.

  11. A BSE will be performed on each bull in the November time frame.  Bulls failing the BSE will not be eligible for the sale.

  12. The consignors will be responsible to indicate which of their bulls will be in the sale.  Consignors are limited to a maximum of 6 bulls.

  13. The bulls will be prepared for cataloging and the sale by tagging, clipping, and videoing.  The “Top 20” bulls will be tagged and cataloged in age order.  All other bulls will be tagged and cataloged in sale order starting with Lot 21.

  14. Since the bulls continue to change considerably throughout the program, the final grading and the final sale order of the “Top 20” bulls will be determined at the sale site the day before the sale.

  15. The bulls will be promoted and advertised for the great sale that it will be.

  16. The bulls will be marketed in the annual LOBBA Bull Sale.



  1. Each consignor must be a LOBBA member for the development year and the sale year.

  2. A program fee of $50.00 per bull will be charged by LOBBA.

  3. A contract/agreement must be signed with Landair, Inc.

  4. Arrival of bulls at Landair must be completed by the date established.  Bulls qualifying for the sale must remain in the program thru the sale date.  If a bull’s arrival at Landair is outside of the required delivery dates, it is the consignor’s responsibility to ensure the bull is moved into the program.  This will help ensure data collection including scan data is obtained.

  5. Delivery of bulls or removal of bulls must be coordinated thru Landair. Inc.

  6. All contacts with Landair, Inc must be coordinated thru Austin Brown III (361-597-0373).

  7. Bulls must be backgrounded before arrival at Landair. A suggested health vaccination and protocol is available from Landair.  The protocol includes a modified live (ML) viral vaccine, 7 or 8 way blackleg, deworming, pasturella vaccine, and weaned minimum 45 days.

  8. Bulls must meet the age requirements for each category.

  9.  Upon arrival, bulls must have a legible holding brand and ID (brand or tattoo).

  10. Upon arrival, bulls must be identified with date of birth.  They must also be accompanied by their BBU certificate “C” number or “P” number.

  11. Bulls must be scanned per BBU age requirements.  Scan days are provided in November, January and April.

  12. Fall bulls previously scanned by other, must have a “P” or “C” number to be accepted into the program.

  13. Any bull that needs to be scanned in either January for fall bulls or April for spring bulls must have at least the “P” number, otherwise the bull will not be scanned.

  14. The “C” number is required to be provided prior to the grading of the bulls in late May or early June.  If the “C” number is not provided the bull will not be graded and will not be allowed to participate in the remainder of the Development Program.

  15. To facilitate data setup and entry, provide complete data on delivery to Landair.  Delivery at Landair must be accompanied by the attached form “Required Delivery Information”.

  16. Consignors are responsible directly to Landair for feed costs, health requirements, chute charges, etc.

  17. Consignors are responsible directly to the veterinarian for health papers, BSE, Trich test, etc.  Consignors are also responsible for the scan technician.  These costs will be billed directly to the consignors.

  18. Consignors are responsible for completing and submitting all sale applications and nomination fees to the sales manager.

  19. Consignors are responsible directly to LOBBA for membership fees, program fee, etc.

  20. Compliance with these requirements is mandatory.  Any requirement not met could lead to the consignor’s bull being removed or not eligible for the program and sale.

  21. It is recommended that consignments have DNA on file.  New requirements at BBU will be implemented in the future (July 2024) for all AI calves.  This is probably going to be dictated for all in the future.  Please take note.

Below you will find the documents describing the LOBBA 2023/ 24 Bull & Heifer Development and Marketing Program.

The documents include Mission Statement, Program Description, Program Requirements,

Important Dates, Required Delivery Information Form, Letter from Landair, and Landair's

recommended vaccination and weaning protocol.

All members and participants are encouraged to read the documents carefully.

All participants are encouraged to fill out all the information on the Required Delivery Forms when the bulls are delivered to Landair.

Vaccination protocols should be completed or in progress for the bulls that will be delivered to Landair.

If there are any question please call:

Gary Halepeska - 361-649-5043


Feed Agreement

Vac/ processing for Weaning Calves

Bull Development& Marketing Program

Bull Delivery Information Form (Required)

Heifer Development& Marketing Program

Heifer Delivery Information Form (Required)


Even though the Live Oak Association has been hosting the bull sale since its beginning 32 years ago, the graded bull sale began in 1995.   The following is a list of previous High Grading Bull winners.

2021 Los diez mejores toros de alta calificación

1. Lote 1 - 7C Cattle Company, Victoria, Tx

2. Lote 2 - Rancho Golden Meadows, Cotulla, Tx

3. Lote 3: John Rediger, Pecos, Tx

4. Lote 4: Diamond M / Dave Moore, George West, Tx

5. Lote 5 - Rancho Tres Hijos, Houston, Tx

6. Lote 6: Steve Anderson, Amarillo, Tx

7. Lote 7 - 7C Cattle Company, Victoria, Tx

8. Lote 8: Rick Seeker, Brenham, Tx

9. Lote 9 - CF Ranches, Brenham, Tx

10. Lote 10 - 7C Cattle Company, Victoria, Tx


2021 Toros mejor clasificados - 7C Cattle Company 10/19

Toros de clasificación superior de años pasados. . .

2021 - 7C Anderson Cattle Company, Victoria, Texas

2020 - Lyssy and Sons, San Antonio, Texas

2019 - Flying B, La Pryor, Texas

2018 - Karen Hall - Hall y Tate Corners, Tennessee

2017 - Timber Ridge, Livingston, Texas

2016 - Sheldon McManus, Lake Charles, Luisiana

2015 - Ted Cain, Gulfport, Misisipi

2014 - Dr. Norberto y Sara Cantu, Rio Grande, Texas

2013 - Cottage Farm Beefmaster, Jackson, Tennessee

2012 - Toby Lester, Bentonville, Arkansas

2011 - L2 Ranch, Fred y Judy Long, Beeville, Texas

2010 - Lazy Susan Ranch, Savannah, Tennessee

2009 - Harold Hoge, Joshua, Texas

2008 - Collier Farms, Brenham, Texas

2007 - David Joeris, Moore, Texas

2006 - Bobby Melloan, Cueva del Caballo, Kentucky

2005 - Bill y Dusty Carr, Laredo, Texas

2004 - Ted Cain, Wiggins, Misisipi

2003 - Trent Cromer, Axton, Virginia

2002 - Royce y Rose Witte, Giddings, Texas

2001 - Jim y Anita Dunkin, Paige, Texas

2000 - Jerry Vordenbaum, Seguin, Texas

1999 - CW Tuma, Premont Texas

1998 - Charles Ragus, Shreveport, Luisiana

1997 - Lyssy & Sons, San Antonio, Texas

1996 - Weldon & Helen Goebel, Cuero, Texas

1995 - Leroy Foerster, Orange Grove, Texas

Grand Champion Bull for the 2024 LOBBA Bull Sale

consigned by Bob & Linda Smith, B&L Cattle.


A pesar de que la Live Oak Association ha estado organizando la venta de toros desde su inicio hace 31 años, la venta de toros graduados comenzó en 1995. La siguiente es una lista de ganadores anteriores.

2023 Top Ten Heifers from  Development Program

Lot 1 - Chris Cooley - Golden Meadows Ranch

Lot 2 - Dave Moore - Diamond M Ranch

Lot 3 - Leon Anderson

Lot 4 - Kolton Plant

Lot 5 - Donald Kasper

Lot 6 - Gary Halepeska - Halepeska Cattle Company

Lot 7 - Jim Colvin 

Lot 8 - Dave Moore - Diamond M Ranch 

Lot 9 - Jim Colvin

Lot 10 - Dave Moore - Diamond M Ranch 

2023 Top Heifer from the Heifer Development Program




Melvin Scherer

Meyersville, Texas


Gary Halepeska

Rockport, Texas

Secretario / Tesorero

Don Kasper

Three Rivers, Texas

De oficio

Bob Siddons

Austin, Texas


Billy Welkener


Chris Cooley

Dave Moore

Rubin Gitierrez

Tyler Gwosdz

Elton Lieke

Lauran Lyssy

Tony Psencik

Tim Pollock

Kito Sáenz

Bill Skoruppa

Bill Wilson

Joe Wittenburg


Kris Fore

Trey Scherer

Tim Chapman

Las cuotas de LOBBA de $ 30 vencen y se pagan a:

Donnie Kasper, Secretario-Tesorero, Asociación de Criadores de Live Oak, PO Box 1169

Three Rivers, TX 78071



(Haga clic en la imagen para abrir el artículo)


Membresía de


Examen de solidez reproductiva


Hoja de granero Ultra Sound

Información útil....

Boby Condition.PNG

Condición corporal


Pautas para la puntuación del pie

Body Frame Structure.GIF

Estructura de la carrocería

Utter Structure.PNG

Estructura completa

Foot Structure.GIF

Estructura de la pierna

Hoof Structure.JPG

Estructura de la pezuña



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